818 Studios in Tremont Takes a Long-Term Approach to Weathering the Coronavirus Storm

The Jefferson Avenue door to 818 Studios

I’d like to start by saying that this pandemic has, and will, change the way most art-related entrepreneurs do business for an indefinite period of time. These changes are going to be difficult and painful on some levels. Please know that I am more than willing to extend a helping hand to my neighboring businesses in Tremont so that we can all get through this together. And we will. There is no doubt that we are in the thick of things now.

As a gallery and a photography studio, 818 Studios has suffered the effects of COVID-19 on two fronts. We have regretfully cancelled the April 25 opening reception with printmakers John Saile and Rebekah Wilhelm. From what I understand, however, both artists are now able to create more work for the show, and we are still hoping to hold the opening this summer. 818 Studios has also had to cancel several photo shoots, both on location and in studio. These are the jobs that pay the rent. Thankfully, there’s a fairly thorough support system being built on community, state and national levels that will help curb some of the damage. With that, along with some hard work, I really believe 818 and the community of Tremont will continue to thrive on an even higher level.

Since this all began, we have been working on a light remodel of 818 Studios. A new coat of paint and a deep cleaning have helped immensely during the last two weeks of uncertainty and disbelief. In the coming weeks, the website and online sales points are being polished and streamlined. An online gallery of artwork is already available for each artist that we represent. There’s also plenty of time for planning future shows and shoots so that we can get up and running smoothly after the quarantine is over. We will also be holding online contests and giveaways in order to maintain some focus on the gallery. In a nutshell, there’s plenty to do during this difficult time.

Being located in the neighborhood of Tremont has helped considerably. A feeling of belonging and community is so important in these troubled times, and it’s a relief to know that there is support available on many fronts. I believe that when this quarantine is lifted, a lot of galleries will be having something akin to a grand reopening. I’m looking forward to these shows and the Walkabout Tremont events that summer and fall will bring on the second Friday of each month.

The weeks ahead will be challenging for 818 Studios and for all of us, but I hope we can all persevere by keeping busy and working towards an outcome that is different, yet better, than where we left off. I’ve come to full realization that we are no good without each other.


818 Jefferson Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio 44113
